Sunday, August 17, 2014

Rejection Hurts

It's not only you  who experienced it. I think everyone of us experienced being rejected and it really HURTS!

There are a numerous ways to be rejected like you are excluded from lunch with co-worker,fail to land for a job that you choose,dumped by a romantic partner, you were being unfriend in facebook or sometimes blocked without knowing why and most especially when your own family rejected you when you asked for their help.

Do you know that the feeling of being rejected is like you are having a physical injury. It can really influence emotion,cognition and even physical health. It's like a feeling that you're not loved,not wanted or not valued at all and  you feel bad about yourself, and it makes you feel like nobody wants to be around you. It makes you feel angry.

Me myself I'm so sensitive of being rejected. Once rejected I'm not in myself and I can't concentrate since I'm so preoccupied with the rejection. That's why I tend to avoid  a situation in which I may experience being rejected. Avoiding being rejected leads to a feeling of loneliness because you always feel anxious of all the things that you will be doing,dealing and what you're going to say.

At the end of the day it's all into us on how we handle being rejected we know people change their reactions based on our behavior.If you expect acceptance and convey positivity, and perhaps come off as more upbeat than you actually are, that can actually change others' behavior.They may never end up accepting you, but at least you have engaged in the kind of behavior that draws people toward you. You're taking control and behaving toward people the way you want them to behave towards you.

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