Friday, August 15, 2014

A perfect example : when emotion is high, logic is low.

So Many hearthbreaking news especially when Robin Williams died and committed suicide. I can't help wondering that life was that so easy for them to end it.

I was really horrified early dawn today since I worked graveyard in one of the Call Centers or BPO here in IT PARK,Cebu City. It was my 1 hour break so decided to grab something to eat at KFC but when I got outside I was really surprised I thought a bomb exploded right in front of us. Oh my! someone jumped coming from the roof top.

The man committed suicide because her girlfriend dumped her. Before, the incident happen his suicide letter is already viral in facebook stating the name of her girlfriend and giving his last words not to blame this girl and apologizing to his family and friends.

People who committed suicide doesn't want to end their life but the pain that they are feeling inside. They're depressed,they're crying out for help,and don't know how else to get it. They really don't want to die but they just want to alert those around them that something is seriously wrong.They’re trying to take control of their destiny and alleviate their own suffering, which usually can only be done in death. 

We all have problems,life's crisis and it's all in us how to handle it. Yes, sometimes it gets rough when you feel it's hopeless and you feel all alone and the whole world is against you and no one even your own family or friends are there to support you. Death sometimes is the answer to end the pain that we are suffering. But, before you do anything crazy or stupid things think of the people that you will be leaving,those people who really cares and loves you maybe you forgot to reach out and open up your problems and misery.

Friends,maybe this is an eye opener for us we know sometimes in the family or perhaps one of our friends confided that they have burdens that for them it's so difficult to deal. Please give time to reach out on that person by merely talking or a shoulder to cry on helps. You may not know that you already save someone who is planning to commit suicide.

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