Sunday, August 24, 2014


I could write a letter
But what I can say?
Can it make things better?
Even with a simple okay?

I could write a song
Express my kept feelings
Would you tell me what's wrong?
Say it to me please?

I could give a call
To ask you what happened
But then I saw you fall
Curled up,lonely and sad.
I could help you get away
From the hurt and the pain
But I know you would stay 
To face this pouring rain.

I could help you ease the pain
And bring them all to an end
You can cry,my dear friend
On my shoulder, till the very end.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Ice Bucket Challenge

MArk Zuckerberg takes the Ice Bucket Challenge

A lot of people doing this not only hollywood celebrities but everyone to support and promote awareness of the disease called ALS(Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis).

We have seen what ALS can do and how it can impact a family, so that's why a lot of people supported this challenge. The experience is just a temporary discomfort but it's a big help already.

LeBron James accepted the challenge

So what's the rule of this challenge: So anyone can join then you have to challenged someone. The following people that you passed on the dare should record themselves getting drenched with ice cold water within 24 hours of receiving the challenge otherwise donate to the ALS Association in the United States or any association which are specializing on the disease. If the person refuses,they have to donate $100 to an ALS Charity.

The whole thing is captured on video and uploaded to YouTube, Vine, Instagram, and other social media sites. Recent reports say more than $42 million has been raised for the charity across the US.

Multi Billionaire Bill Gates 

So friends are you up to this challenge?

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Rejection Hurts

It's not only you  who experienced it. I think everyone of us experienced being rejected and it really HURTS!

There are a numerous ways to be rejected like you are excluded from lunch with co-worker,fail to land for a job that you choose,dumped by a romantic partner, you were being unfriend in facebook or sometimes blocked without knowing why and most especially when your own family rejected you when you asked for their help.

Do you know that the feeling of being rejected is like you are having a physical injury. It can really influence emotion,cognition and even physical health. It's like a feeling that you're not loved,not wanted or not valued at all and  you feel bad about yourself, and it makes you feel like nobody wants to be around you. It makes you feel angry.

Me myself I'm so sensitive of being rejected. Once rejected I'm not in myself and I can't concentrate since I'm so preoccupied with the rejection. That's why I tend to avoid  a situation in which I may experience being rejected. Avoiding being rejected leads to a feeling of loneliness because you always feel anxious of all the things that you will be doing,dealing and what you're going to say.

At the end of the day it's all into us on how we handle being rejected we know people change their reactions based on our behavior.If you expect acceptance and convey positivity, and perhaps come off as more upbeat than you actually are, that can actually change others' behavior.They may never end up accepting you, but at least you have engaged in the kind of behavior that draws people toward you. You're taking control and behaving toward people the way you want them to behave towards you.

Friday, August 15, 2014

A perfect example : when emotion is high, logic is low.

So Many hearthbreaking news especially when Robin Williams died and committed suicide. I can't help wondering that life was that so easy for them to end it.

I was really horrified early dawn today since I worked graveyard in one of the Call Centers or BPO here in IT PARK,Cebu City. It was my 1 hour break so decided to grab something to eat at KFC but when I got outside I was really surprised I thought a bomb exploded right in front of us. Oh my! someone jumped coming from the roof top.

The man committed suicide because her girlfriend dumped her. Before, the incident happen his suicide letter is already viral in facebook stating the name of her girlfriend and giving his last words not to blame this girl and apologizing to his family and friends.

People who committed suicide doesn't want to end their life but the pain that they are feeling inside. They're depressed,they're crying out for help,and don't know how else to get it. They really don't want to die but they just want to alert those around them that something is seriously wrong.They’re trying to take control of their destiny and alleviate their own suffering, which usually can only be done in death. 

We all have problems,life's crisis and it's all in us how to handle it. Yes, sometimes it gets rough when you feel it's hopeless and you feel all alone and the whole world is against you and no one even your own family or friends are there to support you. Death sometimes is the answer to end the pain that we are suffering. But, before you do anything crazy or stupid things think of the people that you will be leaving,those people who really cares and loves you maybe you forgot to reach out and open up your problems and misery.

Friends,maybe this is an eye opener for us we know sometimes in the family or perhaps one of our friends confided that they have burdens that for them it's so difficult to deal. Please give time to reach out on that person by merely talking or a shoulder to cry on helps. You may not know that you already save someone who is planning to commit suicide.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Priest Humiliated Unwed Mother in Baptism

Is it a sin of a child if she or he is born out of wedlock. A video of a priest humiliating an unwed mother during her baby's baptism has been circulating online, after the baby's grandmother uploaded it on her Facebook account Sunday.

A young unwed mother was humiliated in front of her family and friends because of the "sermon" given to her by the priest that officiated the baptimisal rites of her infant son.

Speaking in Cebuano,The Priest said "(It’s humiliating to have a baptism without a husband. You slept with a man that is not your husband? Aren’t you ashamed)?” Fr. Romeo Ubach of the Sacred Heart Chaplaincy in Eversely Child Sanitarium asked the 17-year-old woman who carried her months-old baby.

"This child has no sin but her mother who slept with a man without being married to him lives in sin. She may pass on the consequences of her sin to her child. There shouldn’t have been indulging in their passion then bore a child. Yes, a child is a gift from God but the baby was borne due to sin),” the priest said.

This was such a great insult to all unwed mothers because as we all know Any child, whether legitimate or not, has the right to be baptized. The priest have the obligation to baptize anyone because baptism is the only means to remove original sin. Good that the mother brought her child to be baptized.

The child’s grandmother took a video of the priest’s sermon and uploaded it to her Facebook account yesterday. The video has been shared more than 9,000 times as of Monday afternoon.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Seperation,Divorce,mom and dad may never have lived together,or one of them have died this are the most common reasons why end up to be a SINGLE PARENT.

It's quiet challenging to become a single parent and I tell you it's not easy. One of the challenges is most single parents are often working parents because someone needs to earn money to pay for food,clothing,and a place to live. Unless you are receiving child support but if not then good luck you will be the sole source of support for your child.And that can create STRESS. Most Single working parents work overtime at their jobs or having a lot of part time job for extra income in order to make ends meet.


Because Mom is at work most kids simply take care of themselves for all or part of the time. My daughter is 8 years old now and she is very responsible and I can really trust her. This can be alright as long as your child knows the DO'S and DONT's and most especially they know what to do in case of an emergency.


It's not only work but it's a full day's worth of task awaiting you at home.Since I become a single mom I only slept 4 hours everyday because after work when I got home I will cook,clean the house,drop and pick up my daughter in school,helping her with her homeworks and projects and during rest days I need to do my laundry and off to supermarket for groceries. Although these same obligations are faced by working mothers who are married, a single parent has to face these responsibilities alone, with­out the helping hand of a husband. For that reason, many single parents feel chronically fatigued. They often feel physically and emotionally exhausted and find themselves yelling more at their children.


Single parents feel chronically fatigued. They often feel physically and emotionally exhausted and find themselves yelling more at their children. No wonder a lot of things going on her mind like bills perhaps especially if your child get sick. Most Single Parents are potential to Depression common signs are  persistent sadness, irritability, difficulty sleeping, and weight gain or loss.


I know most of us single mom out there begin  to perceive the responsibilities of child-raising as overwhelming.  Single parents ex­perience a great deal of tension and sometimes guilt that comes with not being able to attend to all of their child's needs or to provide all of the opportunities they wish their child to have.

Being a single mom is not easy it's challenging but we need to move on and embrace it's challenges courageously. Take it with full of positivity and full of responsibility. Manage your time wisely,stay happy,have fun with your kids. I know that it's a hell of work outhere but we can insert a little or more time just to be with our kids.

Time may be tight, but kids in single-parent families can make a difference by helping out around the house. They also can make another important contribution: reminding their moms or dads to have a little fun!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Through The Looking Glass

Everybody is looking for ways to be happy. Some chooses their career, building it from the bottom and not stopping till they get to the top. Some does everything they can to stay close and build a lasting relationship with their family. Some chooses material things over emotions. Some finds comfort putting other people down and some looks for love that they had before from others that cannot give the same. To be honest there are a lot of reasons, a lot of choices and a lot of things to consider when it comes to being contented and being happy. No one really gets contented with what they have. Even me.

I don't blame the choices people make to fulfill whatever it is they need to fulfill. As much as it hurts me, I can never decide for anyone but myself. I can't blame the person who chooses their career or the person who likes judging me and putting me down. Why? because that's what makes them happy. And I get judged because of that.

I envy anyone who can honestly say that they've loved or is in love. I admire them for they chose to be happy by looking for love and being loved. Every one loves differently and in today's society where gender, race, financial capacity or physical appearance are mere words, makes love abundant. Unfortunately because of how we think people are going to judge us, that love dies even before it beats.

Take me for example. Some who knows me would say that I live in a dream when it comes to love and let me vaguely tell you why.
I am living a fantasy. I am waiting for someone right, someone not perfect but can make perfect memories with me. Someone who will knock me off my feet, make me feel gushy, make me feel safe, wanted, protected and loved. Someone who will come to my rescue and fall in love with me like what happens in movies and fairy tales. I want the whole shebang. And although I don't necessarily look the same as the characters in the movies nor have the same "qualities" i get judged for acting like i do.

Life is funny that way. If you're someone like me there are a few things that I wanna assure you and you may take this however you prefer.

First. You are never judged for no reason! You just have to know whose judgments count. I have a lot of friends who judges me all the time but I accept the ones that matters. You are never alone in this world so learn to keep the company that matters. :)

Second. You judge too like I do. If it makes you happy by all means continue. For me? I try very hard to keep it for myself (emphasis on "try hard"). I am not the type of person who likes confrontation and conflicts. i think.

Third. Let yourself be judged. It's life! you will always be judged.

Fourth. Never lose who you are and what you want. If you feel like a girl and want to wait for Mr. Right then wait! they're not going to live your life, you will. It doesn't mean that you shouldn't listen.

Last one. Make mistakes, make a lot of them. Be stupid. Be alive. Be wrong and be you. its less stressful when your not always right. Trying to be perfect is high maintenance. :)

Be with friends who cares for you because you're you and not someone else. I am.

Love Love Love...